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Absolutely HILARIOUS! 11/10 would recommend, except if you happen to be hungry.


Amazing game. Never  😑🤦d so hard at a game's ending before. Tenouttaten


srs feedback, the message composition sections could make it clearer that you need to drag the words, took me a while to figure that out


this shit was so fucking cute I was literally dying at that wax food part 



PS. I was literally pounding my fist into the ground and almost blacked out laughing at Bo's full name. Incredible work.

rellly cute game

I love ending 7, if you know you know, amazing game

(1 edit) (+3)

Honestly, thank you so much for making this game. I haven't felt this angry in years, which lead me to realise I might not be suitable for office or customer service jobs at all. Thank you for driving me away from an unsuitable career path.
Also, I tried poisoning him first, so that's fun. 


this game was hilarious i loved it sm!! 10/10 would recommend 


Fantastic! ❤️

Where's my lunch?

3 Free Games - Episode 1 - YouTube

Pretty Great Game!


tbh I never laughed as hard bc of a game like this, this is def my kind of humor. This was just- bro i dont even know it was so funny, I did get mad tho, mf thief. Wish we were able to get revenge on him or smth. But it was so fun oml

it was fun and well written! 


that was really fun! super polished

Really funny game. I am happy I had a chance for full revenge, but like any Food Thief I always recommend the use of a lot of laxatives. The capacity to deal out punishment while not going over the top. 

I really love all of the endings you made, they are really funny, and I love the openness of actions that you can take.


The game was super fun! I enjoyed the little story and glad that there's more endings! (I guess)

The art style is amazing! And makes my eyes feels comfy, hehe. 


Made a video about this game for french viewers. Only got bad endings but it was very fun to play! Also would love to get the recipes of everything, it sounds delicious ! x)

Love it!!!

Wow this game page is bright lmao omg

(1 edit) (+3)


THE ??? ENDING ?? WITH BO AND THE DINNER AND HIS NAME IM 😭😭 oh goodness. In all realness however this was really fun to play through ! The art was amazing and the food illustrations (especially with how they'd be described oh my) did leave me hungry yes. I both love and hate Bo, i am in tears.

Your game starts at 12:46. Lots of fun and very clever. We got a lot of laughs from it. Fantastic job. We only recorded one ending. This should be played by everyone!

goodbye bo annoyed me so much but at the same time i'm ??? attracted to him???? what have you done to me

Deleted 2 years ago

ironically hungry during my play-through, still highly recommend it was so fun to play this game lol

Retribution, sweet and sickly, shall served be mine! A thief of little wit trapes these halls in search of a victim but instead has found an adversary of a formidable kind. Let close his lungs and my mouth open and enjoy what delight hath been awarded to me.

I was never really into visual novels, but this game's premise convinced me. Also, can I get the recipes of all the dishes because they seem to be delicious ;)

This is a fun, short game to play. The dialogue will immerse you in the emotions of the MC, and the pain of having your lunch stolen will make you want to find the best possible ending. There's a good amount of humor to make you chuckle. Great job developer! Definitely recommend downloading it.

short and sweet, I loved this!

This game was really fun to play.



What a goofy little visual novel, I was truly shocked by the audacity of the thief LOL I played the game throughout to get all the possible endings. This is a good and funny game to play through.


This was a wonderfully silly office drama. It really made me laugh, with how the main character got angry and the lengths they went to in order to prevent the theft of their lunch, and the thief really surprised me. It also made me really hungry. I really wanted the food in this game, and I don't even eat meat!


well, I think MC is really very kind and generous.Being hungry is stressful, and painful. You feel acid burning in your stomach and if you run out of your snacks, all you can do is drinking water, then you are full, but still hungry. And you have work to do, you have to keep working.

Now this game... I loved it, and it made me so hungry, I'm jealous of him.
Enjoy the meal!

Loved the game! The food looks so good :P

Such an awesome game! Totally recommend it (^ ^)

The graphics were great, music super catchy and story  just awesome. Playing this was so much fun!

I really love this game!



This game is witty and comical, and the food art looks quite good to the point where it makes me hungry. It's refreshing to see a game that takes something simple and gives it so much personality and I love that there are many endings. This is such a great piece of work. 

(2 edits) (+1)

AAAAH I loved every second of this game. A pure jam, would definitely recommend to play!

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